Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More on the President

I was able to watch a replay of the inauguration this afternoon. Very stirring speech. At first, being disillusioned with politics as I am, I was pretty cynical. But the more the President talked, the more optimistic I became of how our nation might change.

I voted for Barack Obama. There, I said it. Feels great to come out of the closet. Although, as I said on my earlier post, I don't agree with all of his policies, I am of the opinion that our country needs reform on a level that I did not feel McCain would or could achieve. The changes he talked about today give me hope that America will more responsibly fulfill our place in this world. I was especially encouraged by his call to reach out to the rest of the world and his promises related to environmental stewardship.

I'm thankful that God calls all of us, regardless of who we voted for, to pray for our leaders. I offer those prayers with more hope than I have felt in a long time. I'm also thankful that God calls us to remember that our citizenship lies in another kingdom.

Just imagine what that "inauguration" is going to be like!


  1. I didn't vote for Obama, but he is now my President and I will pray for him and the other leaders of our country. I think yesterday was a great day for the history of our country.
    The peace we experience with the transition of power amazes the rest of the world.....I know, I've in third world countries. It blows their minds that we have that kind of peace and stability. It is a blessing, isn't it!

    Thanks bro. While you are "coming out", you may as well "fess up" to all that other stuff! :)


  2. You're right! I'm emboldened and I'm telling all:

    -I go to the Pepperdine Lectures.
    -I like John Tesh.
    -I think a lot like David Underwood.


  3. Seriously. John Tesh?

    Of all the things you could confess, that should have stayed buried.

    (hee hee)
