Monday, February 9, 2009

Revisiting the "Feminine" Aspect of God

Based on the thoughts shared in the previous post, I suppose a question that arises is whether or not it is ok to refer to God in feminine terms. Can we pray to Our Mother, who art in heaven...? Should we broaden our references to God by using feminine pronouns like "she" and "her"?

I'm not informed enough about that discussion (and I think it is likely that there is such a discussion somewhere) to outright reject the notion, although I think it would be a tough sell for me personally. I base my prejudgment on the language of the Bible, where God, to the best of my knowledge, is always referred to with masculine names, pronouns and designations. There were female deities throughout the world during both Old and New Testament periods, so it's not like the concept was unavailable. God chose to limit the revelation of himself to masculine language, so I feel that is the language I should use.

What I get from the ideas shared in the earlier post is not that God is male nor female; he is neither. Instead, I see in God all of the best qualities that we usually associate with both genders. God is nurturing, caring, motherly; he is also protective, providing, fatherly. Even more reasons to be in awe of God and to be drawn to him.

BTW: I looked at the lyrics to James Browns "It's A Man's World." That's really a stupid song. But I guess we weren't exactly drawn to James because of his intellectually stimulating messages, now were we?

1 comment:

  1. My Heavenly Father is just that. He...throughout the Bible, is about as clear as it gets! I shudder at what is coming out of seminaries and Christian colleges now. Satan is working over-time because his time is short.
