Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back in the Groove

My one week hiatus from blogging while at Pepperdine turned out to be a little longer. I came down with the flu the Monday after we got back. Not swine, just the common garden variety, but it kept me down most of last week. I'm finally getting caught up.

Speaking of Pepperdine, go to your calendar right now and mark May 4-7, 2010. Those are the dates for next year. It is such an enriching event, and in such a beautiful location; you really ought to consider going next year. It's cheap too. Airfare to L.A. is usually reasonable (cost us $140 non-stop from Austin!), and the cost to stay on campus is inexpensive too. To get an idea of what went on this year, you can click here.

I am always blessed at Pepperdine by the speakers, classes, times of worship, and visiting with old friends, but what I think I enjoy most is just being with kindred spirits. There are no "they's" at Pepperdine, or if they are there, they don't draw much attention to themselves. You know, "they" might not like it; "they" might be offended; "they" can't worship if some else raises their hands. I love the "they's" but, honestly, it's nice to have a break from them every now and then.

Belinda and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary the opening night of the lectures. We spent it in separate rooms on campus! Yes, it's come to that. Actually, we went out early and spent a few days in the Central Coast area (San Luis Obispo). BTW: I've already called dibs on Hearst Castle for my mansion over the hilltop! If you're nice to me, I might let you stay in one of the guest houses.

I'm blessed to have married "above" myself. I keep over my desk a picture, several pictures actually, of times and places Belinda and I have shared, with the words from a Michael Card song, "There is a joy in the journey." Our 30 years have not been without challenges, but every year has been better than the one before. I think it all comes from the fact that we too are kindred spirits in the Lord. If 30 years qualifies me to give advice it would be this: Walk together in the Lord and everything else will come together.


  1. I'm bad family, Tim. I did realized it was y'all's anniversary. Happy 30th!! I like this line..."I'm blessed to have married 'above' myself." It's funny too. I told your daughter the same thing not 30 minutes ago. Glad you're back to blogging.

  2. It was GREAT to be with you in Malibu, and I am already looking forward to being there with you next year! Sorry you got sick, and I'm glad you didn't share your water with me at Coogie's! :)

    Love ya'll,
