Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Turn to Write

It seems appropriate that in my first blog I give something of a rationale for why I'm undertaking this little project. After all, to offer something in such a public forum ought to be done for a reason. One ought to have a cause to promote, or at least an axe to grind. Wish I could come up with one. I just like to write. I'm not much of a talker, which probably seems ironic given that I'm a preacher, but I do like to write. It's like talking, but with backspace and delete buttons. (Don't you wish you had those in some conversations!)

I also enjoy reading blogs, but it seems that the authors of several of those that I have regularly read in the past have come down with bloggers cramp. I understand that and anticipate experiencing that malady too--we only have so much we can say--but hopefully not for at least a week or two. So, I guess it's my turn to take up the pen, or in this case, bang on the keyboard.

Although I have written blogs in the past, they were short-term and related to a couple of ministry emphases. This one will be free-flowing, but hopefully not too rambling. Here's what those of you who care to check in from time-to-time might expect:

-I'm sure I'll talk about God some, since he is at the center of my universe. I may also talk about Christianity, but not religion; not a fan of the latter.
-Will likely occasionally tell you about life in central Texas. But don't worry, I'm too new here to be arrogant.
-I'll try to be brief. Not a fan of long blogs either. My attention span isn't that long. My writing approach is the same as preaching, "Always leave them wanting more."
-I'm going to try to stretch myself technologically. You know, really out there things like put some pictures on, which will require major study for me. I feel I'm in need of an upgrade, so if I can find a way to get some of my instamatics on here...

Feel free to comment (especially if you agree with me), or just to stay in the background (especially if you disagree). I do like the quote from Ps. 84 in the description above, and I guess that makes a good theme for what I envision with all of this. We're on a pilgrimage. I welcome your company and hope that we can enjoy the journey together.


  1. May I be the first to comment on your blog? ...Comment...

  2. OK, my first try was under my non-blogging account. Here's the second try.

  3. You should print these and save. I can just see them on ebay someday, "The very first comments on Tim's blog." Could put all your kids through college with the money that would bring in. (Home school college!)

  4. Although I am still mad at you for leaving Searcy, I look forward to reading your blog!!
    Thanks for letting me know about it.

    ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! :)


  5. Man ... some Alabama fans can hold on for dear life! Had good Christmas Eve services Wednesday evening ... w/ 4:30 p.m. packed and 6 p.m. about 2/3 full w/ no balcony. I'll try to get Rodney's video intro posted to the website ... some jewels in there! Miss you guys ... and unlike DU in the previous post, am REALLY ticked off that Texas was shafted w/ the BCS championship game ... i.e., why not UT & OU? ~~ Tom
